Rimani aggiornato sugli ultimi sviluppi di Flexxaire e del settore. Ricevi aggiornamenti sulla nostra partecipazione a fiere ed altri eventi.
Visit us at AGRISHOW in RIBEIRÃO PRETO – STATE OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL from May 1-5, 2023. Our booth is Stand 24, Row 5 in Arena de Soluções Agro. Paulo and Simone will be manning the booth and will have information...
What is your role at Flexxaire? What do your responsibilities consist of? My role is production manager at Flexxaire. My responsibilities consist of making sure we have the right amount of people for the workload...
Visit us at CONEXPO at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Nevada, USA, from March 14-18, 2023. Our booth is located in the South Hall 2nd Level — Booth S84633. The Flexxaire team will have information on our...
Visit us at EIMA at BolognaFiere S.p.A, Bologna BO Italy from November 9-13, 2022. Our booth is located in Exhibition Hall 15 – Stand C/12. Simone, Riccardo and Robert will be manning the booth, and they will have information...
Visit us at IVT Expo at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Chicago USA from August 31-September 1, 2022. Flexxaire is located at Booth 1330. Brad and Simone will be manning the booth, and they will have information on...
“We are very excited about this new building. It will enable us to expand our line of reversible fans and centralized coolant management, offer more options to our customers and increase our production capacity” –...